Thursday, November 18, 2010

sometimes you just have to trust your gut....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

slow time is over! Last week I booked and shot a NYU short film which was alot of fun..NYU films are my favorite student films to work on..always a great experience. I also booked a lead role in an Independent (PAYING!!!) feature...this character is smart and will stretch me as an actor...I'm very excited to work on this project. Rehearsals are underway and we shoot in Novemeber. Yay!! The end of the year is looking like the beginning of the year as far as my level of busy-ness. I can dig it! :-) Can y'all dig it?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

..::it's getting to the point where I just want to say f*ck it...but my heart won't let me::..

Monday, August 2, 2010

New York Citaaay

So this past week was HBO's New York International Latino Film festival. I attended to support Producer Miles Maker on his film "Spare Change.". It was an amazing event and a great film. There was so much energy in the audience I can only imagine how Miles and the rest of the amazing crew and cast must have felt. Then a few days later I attended the premiere party for Tony Clomax's web series "12 Steps to Recovery". They screened the first episode which was hilarious, features Kaleber Soze, Stephen Hill and Ericka Meyers. I cannot wait to watch the remaining episodes. I feel so blessed to be associated with this community of independent filmmakers. It's inspiring to see the work being done and supported so enthusiastically. I feel honored to feel like I am a part of this community and not feel like an outisder looking in. I attended "12 steps.." solo which seemed to be the first question I was asked. "Who you with?" Never knew that was so important...but never the less I love that I can attend an event by myself and not have any second thoughts about it. I'm on my hustle y'all....can't be waiting around for company anymore.

My commercial class with David Cady is coming to an end. We have 2 classes left...we will have an agent coming in on our last class. I love his class and would recommend it to any actor looking to learn and practice commercial copy. Next up for me are more classes! I plan on taking an improv class at the PIT..and hopefully a scene study class with one of my old professors from Syracuse. Other than that...submitting of course and enjoying the last bit of summer!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July! let me get back to blogging. My goodness. All is well in my world. I just had an amazing 4th of July weekend. I think I fell in love with NYC on Sunday. I'm thinking NYC may hold be captive for a few more years :-) My commercial class with David Cady is going very well. I am definitely becoming more confident in just being me in front of the camera. It's such a freeing feeling. I love this business man. Well, maybe not the "business" side of it all but the exposing of one's self and learning who you are in so many different lights and situations is the most amazing experience. I wish non actors took an acting class or sat in on one to see how vulnerable we are. Love it.

I went to the beach on Saturday. My first adventure to a Long Island beach :-) Fun with friends!

Other then that..just submitting myself for the few projects that are occurring right now. Fully enjoying my summer!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Timeeeee my vacation and Birthday was GLORIOUS! Just what the doctor ordered. I seriously feel like a different person when I'm close to the beach...miss it so much!
Gotta make my way to LA in the next couple years....most definitely.

Anywho...I have started my commercial class with David Cady. He is a very friendly and knowledgeable CD. So far so good...last week we worked on Cue Cards which is always fun. Next week we will be watching some audition footage.. Watching is a great way to least for me. If you can dissect what it is the actor is actually doing and how they do's easier to implement those tactics/style when you do it.

I had a strange experience working on a play recently. Very Bizarre...but basically all of the cast quit or had the script removed from their hands and told they are now "Blacklisted" from the business. I didn't even know you could blacklist actors when you can't remember their names. I was warned to not work with this company but I thought it was a good script to work on...Alas..the entire cast is thrilled our scheduled are open for future projects.

I think I'm gonna do a mailing in the next couple of weeks. Other than that...I have a few more classes I want to take. This is going to be a very productive summer...moving FORWARD.

Headshot courtesy of Audrey

Monday, May 17, 2010

What's next...

Hey I've been MIA.
Let's see....what have I been up to...I wrapped shooting Moonsies. I am gearing up to perform in a play festival next month, plays written by Bonnie Wright, not sure exact dates but will definitely update about that. I also took some new headshots with Audrey who I met at DAG. She is an amazing photographer. I had never had an outdoor shoot before but she definitely made me feel comfortable and let me check out the photos as we shot so I could alter my positioning and what not. I'm excited to make updates to my website and do a big mailing within the next month. I am also gearing up to take a commercial class with David Cady, CD with Donna De Seta Casting. I took a workshop with him at Syracuse and I really like his style so I'm thinking it will be a great refresher.

Other than that...having fun and enjoying my life! My birthday is next week and I am sooo excited to head to West Palm Beach!!

Oh and the HOUSE season finale tonight rocked my world!

That's all for now...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Good Morning!!
So, on Sunday I performed at Directing Actors Gym. DAG is a workshop that occurs every 3 weeks where the selected actors work on scenes. The catch is that you never know who your scene partner will be until you get there..there is no time to rehearse with them to get a groove going. It's all about trusting your partner, listening, and having done your homework. I really enjoy attending and performing at DAG and highly recommend it to any actor in NYC that is looking for a great workout. Thanks to Miles Maker who is the brain of it all. DAG has definitely gotten me cast in plays and enabled me to network network network..and build some cool friendships!
On Monday I attended the Blackboard reading series which is held every 2nd Monday of the month at the cell theatre. The play read was Stranger in my body written by Garlia Cornelia Jones. Wonderful play exploring relationships. It was such an intimate setting that most of the audience expressed (during the talkback) that it felt like we were sneaking into a conversation. That's exactly how theatre should make you feel. Love it. Kudos to Garlia!!! I also enjoyed the Detroit references...Poor Kwame haha.

Alrighty..I'm gearing up to shoot a scene on Saturday that is part of the webseries The Moonsies. This is my first scene to be shot and I am super excited. Got a few auditions tomorrow...let's get it!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

If you want something..go get it.

Hey Hey...
So Polis went great! We had wonderfully full audiences and such fun times. What a work out that show grateful to have been a part of it. Camilla Le-Bert is an MFA Playwrighting candidate at Columbia University and she wrote and directed Polis. She is definitely an Actor's director which is always appreciated :-)

I also shot short film One Night this past Saturday. This shoot was soo professional and timely. Seriously in and out in 3.5 hours. Love that..I don't think that has ever happened on any film set I have been on. Darrien Belton and B. McCall were wonderful to work with..I highly recommend networking with them.

Next up: shooting webseries Moonsies next weekend...should be another quick and fun shoot.

Other than that...a few auditions are lined up and I will be performing at the Directing Actors Gym on April 11th from 2-5. If you don't know about DAG you betta ask somebody!!!

Adios y'all!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Updates for your face!

Updates Updates!

  • So..Polis opens tonight! Very excited for people to see it. Reserve your free ticket here:
  • Cast in Project M which is a web series that starts shooting in April. More details to come.
  • Cast in short film One Night. We have our first table read through tomorrow. It's a very fun project so I am excited to get that started.
I guess what they say is true.."work begets work"!

That's all for now y'all...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good evening...
Well...I have been working on a show Polis which opens this Friday. It's written by Camila Le-Bert who is a second year MFA Playwright at Columbia University. The play is very different from anything I have been in. There are 10 actors in it and we all play 4 or more characters. It's a very abstract view of city living and all the characters involved. FUN FUN!!! Talk about a workout! It's free so I'm hoping some of my folks can come out and support it.
To rsvp for free ticket..go here

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Good Sunday Afternoon! It's such a beautiful day today...loving it! I had an audition this morning for a reading of "Three Sisters" which is part of the late night series with Theater/Vision Playtime. I am a huge fan of Chekhov and have had the pleasure of playing Natasha in the production at we shall see what happens. I am currently sitting in Starbucks listening to Emmanuel Baptist Church live feed of the 12pm service. Now..I have headphones in but for some reason the woman next to me keeps attempting to chat me well as every person in this joint. She is obviously a regular. Ehh...just gonna listen to my church service.

In a few hours I have tech rehearsal for Bitter Apples..our extended run this Mon-Thurs. And tonight is OSCAR night...overall gonna be a great day!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello Hello

Hello All!
I have crept out of my blogging cave and decided to start again...I have not blogged since College graduation...wowsers. I intend on blogging primarily about my journey as an Actress in NYC--with a few life/dating stories thrown in (but of course). I meet way to many crazies not to blog about them (that reminds me I wanna see that movie, The Crazies.

So as far as Acting, I recently got my reel re-edited. It now includes my latest film projects. Check it out at I have a few auditions lined up for the weekend and am rehearsing for the extended performances of Bitter Apples directed by Arthur French III.

Other than that..I have the BEST day job ever, nice "potentials"(men I could date) and spring is near. What more can I ask for?

Well, a national commercial would be nice!