Monday, August 2, 2010

New York Citaaay

So this past week was HBO's New York International Latino Film festival. I attended to support Producer Miles Maker on his film "Spare Change.". It was an amazing event and a great film. There was so much energy in the audience I can only imagine how Miles and the rest of the amazing crew and cast must have felt. Then a few days later I attended the premiere party for Tony Clomax's web series "12 Steps to Recovery". They screened the first episode which was hilarious, features Kaleber Soze, Stephen Hill and Ericka Meyers. I cannot wait to watch the remaining episodes. I feel so blessed to be associated with this community of independent filmmakers. It's inspiring to see the work being done and supported so enthusiastically. I feel honored to feel like I am a part of this community and not feel like an outisder looking in. I attended "12 steps.." solo which seemed to be the first question I was asked. "Who you with?" Never knew that was so important...but never the less I love that I can attend an event by myself and not have any second thoughts about it. I'm on my hustle y'all....can't be waiting around for company anymore.

My commercial class with David Cady is coming to an end. We have 2 classes left...we will have an agent coming in on our last class. I love his class and would recommend it to any actor looking to learn and practice commercial copy. Next up for me are more classes! I plan on taking an improv class at the PIT..and hopefully a scene study class with one of my old professors from Syracuse. Other than that...submitting of course and enjoying the last bit of summer!

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