Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello Hello

Hello All!
I have crept out of my blogging cave and decided to start again...I have not blogged since College graduation...wowsers. I intend on blogging primarily about my journey as an Actress in NYC--with a few life/dating stories thrown in (but of course). I meet way to many crazies not to blog about them (that reminds me I wanna see that movie, The Crazies.

So as far as Acting, I recently got my reel re-edited. It now includes my latest film projects. Check it out at I have a few auditions lined up for the weekend and am rehearsing for the extended performances of Bitter Apples directed by Arthur French III.

Other than that..I have the BEST day job ever, nice "potentials"(men I could date) and spring is near. What more can I ask for?

Well, a national commercial would be nice!

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