Monday, April 29, 2013


I am still here....It's so funny how things work out. That's why I love journaling, so that I can reflect on what I wanted and see how it manifested.

I promise to expand more on this soon.

Stay Blessed.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 2012

I have no idea why I cannot find time to BLOG! Well....2012 has been quite busy. January I started working at my new far so good with lots of cool coworkers which is a MUST. February was consumed with rehearsals for the staged reading of "Bi=racial". Last weekend I went home to MI which was a nice break from the hectic life I have been leading. Now, we are into March and I am trying to have a little fun before I start buckling down with GMAT studying. Fun Fun Fun!!

Auditions have been going good...picked up in March. I love acting and have since I was a teenager, but it is becoming more and more apparent that I have a desire to work in film distribution & marketing. So the journey continues....

Stay Blessed.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bringing the year to a close...

Well Well's been quite some time since I last blogged. I have been one busy bee and am so incredibly thankful for all that has happened to me this year. 2011 was definitely a year of growth. I believe odd years are always more difficult years for my experience something majorly character developing always seems to happen. Well this year there were about 3 major instances that life gave me to solidify who I really am and who those friends are that I keep around me. I am blessed with wonderful friends in NYC. I definitely would not have gotten through this year without them.

Thankful to say I booked my first commercial this year, worked with a legendary filmmaker, was on a tv show, got to spend quality time with my dad, fell in love with an amazing man, went to a place I never want to return to, endured a traumatic experience with my cat, and had many laughter filled moments with my family and friends. Through all the negative there is always the positive and happy times that shine through. Thank God for that.

In 2012, I plan to continue pursuing my acting career, continue working on the production side of film, shoot a few shorts to submit to Master's programs, study for the GMAT, take a vacation with my boo, and spend lots of time with my family. My loved ones are first in my life and I have a very clear idea on how I want to spend my time and with whom.

Enjoy the last few days of 2011 and get ready for 2012 y'all.

Stay Blessed.

Monday, April 18, 2011

College humor sketch

Working with the crew and cast was so fun..Great experience..enjoy!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

my my my..i've been gone for a while..well February and March have been quite busy. I've been working alot (non actor job) and have started SAVING money! Yes...did you know that is possible to do while living in NYC? is. I am determined to have a healthy amount of savings by the end of the year and for years to come.

I booked a few jobs in March...I'm excited for them to be released. I worked with and the sketch we shot is hilarious! I can't wait to see it. I love doing comedy..hope to do more and more of it.

I bought a new monologue book and have found some good material. I am always on the search for a comedic monologue. Often they sound corny to me when I read them in books...I'm much more into seeing a show and hearing the monologue first when it comes to comedy. It helps me explore the many ways to interpret the lines. I'm excited for April and also recognizing that busy season will soon end! eeeek! Summer is always so slow around these parts for me. I am looking forward to Spring and Summer and taking some classes.

Oh and that non actor Rachel I had been searching for and trying to understand better in the beginning of the year...I found her :-)
That's all folks.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Happy Sunday everyone! Finally we are in February...I didn't think January was every going to just felt like the longest month ever. January was pretty good to me..booked 2 pilots and shot them which was awesome. I also took a commercial class with Angela Mickey at Liz Lewis Casting which was really cool. Not to mention tons of auditions and visiting my Grandma..I did quite a bit in January. But now moving on to February..tomorrow I will be in the 2nd reading of Arthur French's "Red Train towards a Mexican Sunset" at the Dwyer Center in Harlem. It's a pretty interesting story and I get to play the comic relief! Love it! I love Comedies but rarely ever do them.

Other than that...I am working on a few writing projects (yes writing...The first script I ever wrote was a Clueless parody when I was a teenager with my good friend Amanda)...reading a bunch of books and trying to develop the NON actor Rachel. It's very easy in this biz to be consumed with the business...constantly taking classes, auditions, memorizing, seeing shows, watching movies..all that is to learn and find your process to the's hard to figure out who you are without all that. That's what I'm interested in finding out.

"On a deeper level, learning to separate one's professional life from one's creative life is among the most complex growth experiences that any working artist undergoes."-Tales from the Script

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy New Year

well..2011 started off on the right foot. I have been auditioning like crazy..It's wonderful to start off a new year with a refreshed sense of self and purpose but even better when my actors access cmail box can reinforce my initiative to do MORE and be BETTER this year. I booked my first gig last week..shot a Promo/Sizzle Reel for a dating show that is being pitched to a few networks. It was a fun easy shoot..the lingering knowledge of having to wear a bikini in front of a green screen was a major help from steering away from the Kraft services table of cookies and bagels that just HAVE to be on every freaking set. Bagels are equivalent to 5 slices of bread..although I love my bagels...not interested in the bloat from the butter/cream cheese that would follow..but I digress. Oooh also went on my first print casting last week...that was interesting. I was taken to a white wall...had some photos taken of me..and that was that. I wished I could have said something funny or done something..then I realized it's not about my's simply about how I look. SO weird.

This week I have a few auditions lined up but I'm more excited to visit my Grandma in Illinois this weekend. I was unable to spend Thanksgiving with her this year so I planned a surprise visit :-D I love surprising people...One year in College I drove from Syracuse to Michigan to surprise my Dad for his birthday. The look on his face was priceless. I'm hoping my Grandma has a similar look on Friday...

Have a great week everyone.
p.s. this photo is completely unrelated to anything in this post. My aunt's dog taza on Christmas.