Sunday, February 6, 2011


Happy Sunday everyone! Finally we are in February...I didn't think January was every going to just felt like the longest month ever. January was pretty good to me..booked 2 pilots and shot them which was awesome. I also took a commercial class with Angela Mickey at Liz Lewis Casting which was really cool. Not to mention tons of auditions and visiting my Grandma..I did quite a bit in January. But now moving on to February..tomorrow I will be in the 2nd reading of Arthur French's "Red Train towards a Mexican Sunset" at the Dwyer Center in Harlem. It's a pretty interesting story and I get to play the comic relief! Love it! I love Comedies but rarely ever do them.

Other than that...I am working on a few writing projects (yes writing...The first script I ever wrote was a Clueless parody when I was a teenager with my good friend Amanda)...reading a bunch of books and trying to develop the NON actor Rachel. It's very easy in this biz to be consumed with the business...constantly taking classes, auditions, memorizing, seeing shows, watching movies..all that is to learn and find your process to the's hard to figure out who you are without all that. That's what I'm interested in finding out.

"On a deeper level, learning to separate one's professional life from one's creative life is among the most complex growth experiences that any working artist undergoes."-Tales from the Script

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