Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy New Year

well..2011 started off on the right foot. I have been auditioning like crazy..It's wonderful to start off a new year with a refreshed sense of self and purpose but even better when my actors access cmail box can reinforce my initiative to do MORE and be BETTER this year. I booked my first gig last week..shot a Promo/Sizzle Reel for a dating show that is being pitched to a few networks. It was a fun easy shoot..the lingering knowledge of having to wear a bikini in front of a green screen was a major help from steering away from the Kraft services table of cookies and bagels that just HAVE to be on every freaking set. Bagels are equivalent to 5 slices of bread..although I love my bagels...not interested in the bloat from the butter/cream cheese that would follow..but I digress. Oooh also went on my first print casting last week...that was interesting. I was taken to a white wall...had some photos taken of me..and that was that. I wished I could have said something funny or done something..then I realized it's not about my's simply about how I look. SO weird.

This week I have a few auditions lined up but I'm more excited to visit my Grandma in Illinois this weekend. I was unable to spend Thanksgiving with her this year so I planned a surprise visit :-D I love surprising people...One year in College I drove from Syracuse to Michigan to surprise my Dad for his birthday. The look on his face was priceless. I'm hoping my Grandma has a similar look on Friday...

Have a great week everyone.
p.s. this photo is completely unrelated to anything in this post. My aunt's dog taza on Christmas.

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