Friday, March 26, 2010

Updates for your face!

Updates Updates!

  • So..Polis opens tonight! Very excited for people to see it. Reserve your free ticket here:
  • Cast in Project M which is a web series that starts shooting in April. More details to come.
  • Cast in short film One Night. We have our first table read through tomorrow. It's a very fun project so I am excited to get that started.
I guess what they say is true.."work begets work"!

That's all for now y'all...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good evening...
Well...I have been working on a show Polis which opens this Friday. It's written by Camila Le-Bert who is a second year MFA Playwright at Columbia University. The play is very different from anything I have been in. There are 10 actors in it and we all play 4 or more characters. It's a very abstract view of city living and all the characters involved. FUN FUN!!! Talk about a workout! It's free so I'm hoping some of my folks can come out and support it.
To rsvp for free ticket..go here

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Good Sunday Afternoon! It's such a beautiful day today...loving it! I had an audition this morning for a reading of "Three Sisters" which is part of the late night series with Theater/Vision Playtime. I am a huge fan of Chekhov and have had the pleasure of playing Natasha in the production at we shall see what happens. I am currently sitting in Starbucks listening to Emmanuel Baptist Church live feed of the 12pm service. Now..I have headphones in but for some reason the woman next to me keeps attempting to chat me well as every person in this joint. She is obviously a regular. Ehh...just gonna listen to my church service.

In a few hours I have tech rehearsal for Bitter Apples..our extended run this Mon-Thurs. And tonight is OSCAR night...overall gonna be a great day!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello Hello

Hello All!
I have crept out of my blogging cave and decided to start again...I have not blogged since College graduation...wowsers. I intend on blogging primarily about my journey as an Actress in NYC--with a few life/dating stories thrown in (but of course). I meet way to many crazies not to blog about them (that reminds me I wanna see that movie, The Crazies.

So as far as Acting, I recently got my reel re-edited. It now includes my latest film projects. Check it out at I have a few auditions lined up for the weekend and am rehearsing for the extended performances of Bitter Apples directed by Arthur French III.

Other than that..I have the BEST day job ever, nice "potentials"(men I could date) and spring is near. What more can I ask for?

Well, a national commercial would be nice!