Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bringing the year to a close...

Well Well's been quite some time since I last blogged. I have been one busy bee and am so incredibly thankful for all that has happened to me this year. 2011 was definitely a year of growth. I believe odd years are always more difficult years for my experience something majorly character developing always seems to happen. Well this year there were about 3 major instances that life gave me to solidify who I really am and who those friends are that I keep around me. I am blessed with wonderful friends in NYC. I definitely would not have gotten through this year without them.

Thankful to say I booked my first commercial this year, worked with a legendary filmmaker, was on a tv show, got to spend quality time with my dad, fell in love with an amazing man, went to a place I never want to return to, endured a traumatic experience with my cat, and had many laughter filled moments with my family and friends. Through all the negative there is always the positive and happy times that shine through. Thank God for that.

In 2012, I plan to continue pursuing my acting career, continue working on the production side of film, shoot a few shorts to submit to Master's programs, study for the GMAT, take a vacation with my boo, and spend lots of time with my family. My loved ones are first in my life and I have a very clear idea on how I want to spend my time and with whom.

Enjoy the last few days of 2011 and get ready for 2012 y'all.

Stay Blessed.